Cryo or deep cooling treatment that originated in Japan has now practiced the world over! Freezing temperatures like -150 C along with the benefits of nitrogen work wonders. Specialized equipment is necessary of course and a variety is available. Several sensational applications include beauty treatments, wellness and anti-aging, cellulite reduction and weight loss. Sports people have a good thing coming since physical skills are put to the test. Get the best of the Sports Therapy Equipment.
The cryotherapy effect
People often distrust what is new and unfamiliar. Cryotherapy proves to have major health and beauty benefits. Some may be afraid of the freezing procedure. A few people are susceptible to cold. A cold stream of air is passed over the skin and the entire procedure lasts 2 or 3 minutes. The benefits of nitrogen are also put to the test.The feel good factor
It is often said that health is a state of mind. Beauty treatments promote the feel good factor. Adrenalin and endorphin production are boosted when the body is exposed to subzero temperatures. Compared to surgery and needles, this treatment is a walk in the park. The benefits are many like improved skin tone and goodbye to the effects of aging. Pain and depression are certainly reduced. The big boost leads to improved athletic performance and sports people benefit enormously. An investment in Cryo Sports Therapy Equipment would bring rich rewards for the sporting community.The cryo services
A whole range of cryo treatments would help manage a variety of problems. Along with the whole body cryotherapy, weight loss and joint recovery would be possible. Cryo facial and sculpting or lipolysis promote good looks and feel. Facelift without needles and fat reduction are major advantages. Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is also given.Wide distribution of Cryo Therapy equipment
The cryo effect has been felt worldwide in physiotherapy, sports centers, and health resorts. A range of equipment uses the beneficial effects of brief exposure to extreme cold. Besides, liquid nitrogen brings lots of benefits too.KrioSystem Mobile Cryochamber
A self-contained chamber is available that contains all the facilities for that bath in the cold. Some exercise is recommended after the cryo experience. The chamber is technologically capable with a generator and safety features like an emergency button. Extreme temperatures of -120C to -160C are generated and the body response has a positive impact. Diseases feel the positive influence. Mobility would have a positive impact.Krion Pro Sauna
Every bit of the body is exposed to nitrogen vapor and its beneficial effects. With a CPU manufactured by Intel, most procedures are automated. Audio and video with a 19’ LCD Monitor displays relevant information.
A few other gadgets like the KrioSystem Cryofacial assure of maximum benefits. Sports Therapy Equipment from Cryo Australia would bring reality to many sweet dreams! Persevere on, sports guys!
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