Monday, 3 April 2017

Advantages for Immunity of Cryogenic Chambers

A lot of people faced with the trouble of weakened immunity & as an outcome dealt with such unlikable consequences as normal catarrhal diseases & ARVI (severe respiratory viral infection). The weakened Immune System is not just high tendency to viral infections, but moreover bad general well-being. Depression, rapid fatigue, weakness, appetite disorders, daytime sleepiness and nighttime’s insomnia, bad mood and even melancholy – all of the mentioned can testify that there is a breakdown in the protective organization of your organism.

Cryogenic Chambers

What to do for well being of organism?

For ages populace have utilized cold water quenching for increasing their immunity as well as vitality. In such a manner they strengthen their body getting it stronger to regular viral diseases, enhancing general physical well-being as well as emotional state. Some people still practice this conventional method, but scientific advancement and improvements never stops & for these reasons offers latest modern equipment, effectiveness of which is proved in science & practice. In comparison to the ice baths and ice-holes it is unfeasible to become too cold or else catch cold here. We are discussing about the latest cryotherapeutic procedures– a device for whole-body cryotherapy (cryostimulation) and cryogenic chambers can be a good option. Who isn’t finely informed regarding this, cryotherapy is a procedure with the short time influence of ultralow temperatures on the human body tissues.

Practical observations and research have shown that the modern cryostimulations have an outstanding immunomodulatory effect. Currently investigations & practical applications of this trend develop in every direction. As it is known that, different organs are responsible for the working of immune system. They are separated into central – bone marrow & thymus (that is thymus gland) – and peripheral –lymph nodes, spleen, and lymphoid tissue. The chief cells that are in charge of immune reaction are the lymphocytes. They create 25-40% of the each of the leukocytes (that is white blood cells). Lymphocytes recognize foreign microorganisms as well as substances and afterward regulate the work of various kinds of cells.

This is completely surprising, but best researchers have known that positive alterations in blood are noticed after 10 three-minute long whole body cryo-stimulations on the temperature of  around 130 °C, namely, a great number of monocytes and lymphocytes is considerably increased. 

This fact explicates rising immunological reactions subsequent to the course of whole-body cryotherapy. In addition, instant drop of skin temperature to +5 to +12 °C activates different regenerative functions on the organism which also make stronger protective functions as well as stimulate immune system. Moreover, other research confirms positive impact of cryotherapy or cryogenic chambers on the nervous system which allows eliminating clinical depression syndromes, enhancing sleep quality & beating insomnia.

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